Business Etiquette for Professionals – The Workshop
Etiquette Quick Tips for Business Professionals
Business etiquette tips are presented as a valuable reference for professionals; may serve as a refresher for the seasoned career veteran. Topics include greeting and introductions, digital etiquette, phone skills, correspondence, business interactions, effective communications, and professional presence. (Presentation duration and topics are customizable)
Branding You – Define Your Brand and Refine Your Image
A focused look at professional presence and personal branding. Includes hands-on exercises designed for individual self-discovery and self-reflection for enhanced emotional intelligence. Includes posture, style, public speaking, electronic etiquette, etc. Continue with techniques to manage/protect your brand and polish your image. (Duration customizable)
Bible Based Lessons in Etiquette for Young Christians
Every parent wants their child to be confident and resilient with strong character. Christian parents also have a desire for application of biblical perspective in coursework whenever possible. These lessons meet the need. The following topics include supporting scriptural references: Why Do Manners Matter?, Basic Manners, How To Speak to Others, Basic Dining, Kids and Technology, Parties/Sleepovers.
Personal Organization and Life Skills
Practical social skills to enhance confidence building and personal organization. Discussion topics include Managing First Impressions – the Art of Introductions, The Art of Conversation (Including Difficult Conversations), Managing My Digital Brand, Wardrobe Foundations, Public Speaking, Posture and Polished Presence, Dining Etiquette Basics, The Art of Social Hosting (Entertaining)