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Business Etiquette for Professionals – The Workshop

A robust course to review office protocol including greeting and introductions, electronic etiquette, phone skills, correspondence, business gifting, and male/female business interactions.
What does your presence – your appearance, behavior, communication style, say about you? A variety of verbal and non–verbal factors, such as eye contact, handshake, posture, voice, diction, style of dress, electronic etiquette, and phone skills can communicate volumes about you.
Phone and office etiquette, leaving phone messages, placing a caller on hold, office interruptions, call waiting, eating/chewing while talking on the phone, email, and much more are discussed during this course. Speak with authority using proper grammar, diction, and clarity.
Learn the art of introductions, improve conversational techniques, disengage from non–productive situations, learn techniques to remember names, and discuss post-networking actions. Make every encounter a productive networking experience.
Gain the confidence to enjoy any business dining occasion whether it is a sit-down meal, a reception, or an invitation to the boss’ house. Topics include seating arrangements, utensils (flat-ware and glass ware), the menu (including unusual food), wine selection, smoking, seating arrangement, ordering, paying, and tipping, as well as general dining etiquette.
Review options to build a business wardrobe foundation for success. Select clothes that are right for your current job as well as the position you hope to have in the future. Learn techniques that make you look your best, and how to “Dress for Success.”
Address the issue without responding, “we can’t, we don’t, or we won’t.” Solutions to defuse anger in the workplace including positive customer service tips and an appropriate tone of voice are discussed during this course.
A critical class to hone public speaking skills by preparing and delivering presentations in front of a group. Voice tone and diction, posture, facial expression, and attire all play a role in delivering your message to an audience.

Etiquette Quick Tips for Business Professionals

Business etiquette tips are presented as a valuable reference for professionals; may serve as a refresher for the seasoned career veteran. Topics include greeting and introductions, digital etiquette, phone skills, correspondence, business interactions, effective communications, and professional presence. (Presentation duration and topics are customizable)

Branding You – Define Your Brand and Refine Your Image

A focused look at professional presence and personal branding. Includes hands-on exercises designed for individual self-discovery and self-reflection for enhanced emotional intelligence. Includes posture, style, public speaking, electronic etiquette, etc. Continue with techniques to manage/protect your brand and polish your image. (Duration customizable)

Bible Based Lessons in Etiquette for Young Christians

Every parent wants their child to be confident and resilient with strong character. Christian parents also have a desire for application of biblical perspective in coursework whenever possible. These lessons meet the need. The following topics include supporting scriptural references: Why Do Manners Matter?, Basic Manners, How To Speak to Others, Basic Dining, Kids and Technology, Parties/Sleepovers.

Personal Organization and Life Skills

Practical social skills to enhance confidence building and personal organization. Discussion topics include Managing First Impressions – the Art of Introductions, The Art of Conversation (Including Difficult Conversations), Managing My Digital Brand, Wardrobe Foundations, Public Speaking, Posture and Polished Presence, Dining Etiquette Basics, The Art of Social Hosting (Entertaining)


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